Material Attachment I Never Felt Before

It was the first week of 2017. One of those days, I received my first ever commission as a sales staff for a telecommunications company. I never received compensation as big as that, and with the overwhelming amount, I decided to make a one-time big-time purchase (for me, at least). After my shift, I boarded …

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Fixing the Emotionally-Unwell Me

If you've read the title of this post, I suppose I am not the only one who is trying to mend their broken... mind. If you are expecting this post to be pandemic related - well - you're right. There's no doubt everyone has been affected by COVID-19, whether in a small or major way. …

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Mother Nature “Paid” Last Night’s Dinner

A few weeks after the pandemic started, I remember news outlets reporting about how nature was gently reclaiming their spaces. I remember a reporter describing a record breaking low level of air pollution, dolphins appearing on Italy's coasts that used to be docked by boats, Geese spotted walking in the tarmac of Tel Aviv airport, …

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The Best New Year Resolution: Love Mother Nature

When Samsung Galaxy Fold was announced earlier this year, I was kind of crazy about the song "Pure Imagination". Googling the song title at first, it landed me to the page where artists like Josh Groban, Joanna Wang, and Barbara Streisand. Out of the three artists, Ms Streisand's version was an eye opener. I watched …

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Why Luxury Brands are Not Worth Our Money, Yet We Still Want One

My godmother (who is also my aunt) liked to take us to new shopping malls when we (me and my cousins) were younger. I remember going to Tiendesitas - a newly opened shopping center with specialty on Filipino handicrafts back then. She bought a cellphone case made from Cowhide leather which costs around 700 PHP …

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